Sunday, 8 July 2007

Holiday time again

Well ive been off 3 days this week and its been really busy. I went for a trim at the hairdressers then i ended up decorating my living room and doing a car boot sale at Singleton - i had about 2 hours sleep and was sitting in a queue to get in the boot sale at 4 am thanks to my mate who told me to get there early - well it didnt open til 5 am..... so tired!!

But it went well, the sun was shining and i could have made a lot more money if people didnt want everything for nothing. The rest of the weekend was fit for nothing as i was so tired. But my living room looks nice!! Ive still to put my curtains back up and the voil i bought was too small.. (see pic) so i had to buy more!!! This is where basic skills maths lessons come in handy to measure up properly!!!!!!

So dont throw away your junk - turn it in to cash.

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