Friday, 19 October 2007

Techno Fairs

I have been busy out and about visiting retail stores in the Parc Fforestfach areas in preparation for our Technology Fair on 22 Nov. I paid a visit to Curry, Carphone Warehouse, Boots and Argos. All were very keen with the ideas but have to ask the powers that be in offices above. So I am hopeful that we will get the latest gadgets at our fair, to share with you all.
I have also been in touch with Target Ariels to see if they wish to join us and teach us all there is to know about digital switch over with our tv stations, what ariels we need, all there is to know about digiboxes and hopefully they will be on board too.
Just a little bit more letter writing, chase up with visits and phone calls and it should be sorted.
Its nice to be let loose!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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