Wednesday 25 April 2007

The joy of pets

I was woken this morning by my delightful son, to tell me that the cats had left me a parcel or two on the rug and the stairs.... will my daughter clean up ... will she hell!!

I promptly reminded her that when she leaves home never to have any pets of her own.

So I did the bum shuffle half way up the stairs armed with a carrier bag and cleaning solutions... not the easiest thing to do when you cant walk up the stairs. Then set off the washing machine with a big fluffy rug!! Frigging animals, i think its time to let them loose in the wild.

What else have I done today and its only 1030 am. Well since its pay day, i decided to pay all the usual bills (boring) but has to be done.

Last night my neighbour asked me if i saw anything unusual going on outside, as the neighbour opposite is in hospital and some delightful children have smashed one window, splattered them all in mud and put dog poo in his letterbox. The police came to investigate but no one saw nothing.... but later i had a text message off my ex to say that he saw 4 teenage boys outside and were not particularly bothered about the fact is was anyones property. This morning at 8 am i saw 4 boys answering the same discription hovering outside with bricks in their hands, but promplty scooted off up the lane when they saw me, but throwing a brick down the street as they left. Oh dear, is there more to come???

The pain hasnt been to severe over the last few hours, and i am trying to cut down on the painkillers or i will end up with a dependancy by the time i return to work ....LOL:)

So what shall i do today.... watch a bit of tv as usual and if i feel up to it i may even sing, but i dont feel like right now.

All my lovely work colleagues must miss me so much, Bobby rang me twice yesterday, then Nicky, and Lisa, and Mumba and then Jeanne and Jules came to visit and put the kettle on... and hey - whats this that its quiet with out me - you trying to say Im noisey!!! (I miss you guys too.)