Monday 23 April 2007

Lifelong Learning Officer Recovery

Hi guys
Just thought I would let you know that i survived the surgery - theres a wonder i never had a heart attack when i was told that i would be awake for the op!!!! oh no, and the anesthatist and doctor and theatre crew all had me down for LEFT foot surgery and it was my right, so i soon put them straight.
I was promised tamazapam to calm me down, but never got any, so the delightful anasthetic team decided to do a spinal block. It was amazing - as the surgeon was drilling through the bones in my foot it felt like i was a patient waiting in a dentist listening to someone have a tooth drilled.
After the op, in my bed feeling nothing (not even the need for the toilet) on the Ear Nose and Throat ward, the surgeon told me things hadnt gone quite to plan. But never mind, Im alive!
I attempted to get out of bed after my feeling come back to my legs and feet and discovered that i wasnt getting very far, and the physiotherapist had seen other orthapedic patients but not me ....oh dear. Eventually I was given a special shoe and later on again, crutches - so at least i was now mobile.
Visitors came... Ray with some Joes icecream, then Lisa, Julie, Mandy and Laura. I thought I was in for the night, but then the nurse informed me i could go home. It was fun trying out these crutches to get down to meet Julie with the car at the mortuary department.
There is no way i could make the stairs so ive been sleeping on the sofa. But the hospital failed to give me any painkillers, or a discharge letter when they gave me the odd wrong sized crutches. And after discovering my foot was bleeding and went back to A & E on Saturday, a lovely orthapedic nurse gave me a new pair of right sized, matching crutches, painkillers, and instructions on how to walk!!!
So now life is great on 6 hourly painkillers, and i am managing (sometimes) to make it to the toilet. My mates have just been and delivered lunch for me and my daughter has been an angel.
So time to go and elevate the leg now.... keep up the good work - hope you not missing me too much. xx