Saturday 19 May 2007

Thank goodness its Friday

Phew !! What a week, I cant believe its Friday already, this week has flown. The surgeon said go back to work on light duties and take it easy... well ive been out an about more in the last 2 weeks than i have been in the last 8 years. But I stayed office bound today to catch up on all my paper work.
I did a mail out of about 150 - 200 previous students to invite them to our adult learners event next wednesday - come see digital stories, meet the communities first co-ordinator, see our displays and trophies, free cakes n coffee!!
I had lots of phone calls, emails and then our friday team meeting where we put the world to rights whilst scoffing chocolate buttons!! Mike was at college so couldnt be with us and Nicky is sunbathing in Cuba so he wasnt there either.
Claire gave me a lift home today and came up with the great suggestion that we should all go to her house to learn poker, so that will be coming up in the near future, and then i noticed that the workmen had returned to fix on the door to the green monstrosity they put up a few weeks ago, to stop access in to penplas lane.
Well there i was casually looking out of the window when i spotted something, i went out to the new door, only to find the workmen left the key in the lock!! ha ha. but no, i am honest - i phoned housing to tell them and they shall be collecting it off me next week. but now there is no point as the locks have been wrecked and kids are climbing over on an hourly basis, the door was attempted to be kicked in, and one of the neighbours is causing a little bit of friction by telling all the kids i have a video camera filming them all!!! Oh no...
So I would love for this gate/doorway to be removed to allow public access to the local one and only pub, the schools, the shops, friends and family - it has caused so much trouble.. please let us walk free to penplas lane!!!!!

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