Thursday 17 May 2007

Debbie At Dove

The delightful Owen picked me up at 845 a.m. to give me - the injured one - a lift to DOVE Workshop in Banwen. We collected Claire on the way, and all exchanged stories of last nights events at Daniel James School and the Mansion House - I think Owen had the best time!! But I m off to see the show tonight and cant wait!
So after luckily escaping near death experiences of being a nervous passagner, covering my eyes so i didnt have to look at the oncoming traffic as we were overtaking, I arrived safely at DOVE. I met with Michael the mechanic, i mean technician - and his loyal volunteers at PC Surgery. They were very busy problem solving and learning new skills - we had a lovely chat about wines, and the best ones to buy and Libfraumilch seems to be a winner!!
I decided to hog Mike's laptop to update all my blogs as so much has happened over the last 24 hours, it must be recorded whilst still fresh in my mind... at my age it is easy to forget.
I have seen lots of lovely animals today - sheep, cows, and a lovely little robin with a worm in its mouth - but i would have loved to have popped in to see the Chimps on the way - but I wasnt allowed. Boo hoo!!

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