Thursday 17 May 2007

Dining with the Lord Mayor

Last night staff from the BPP Development Trust and the Community Regeneration Unit dined with the new Lord Mayor and Consort of Swansea - Cllr Susan Waller. The Blaenymaes crowd started off with a can in my house, when Paul (a director) turned up early in the mini bus. So we finished off our Fosters and headed off for the Mansion House.
We were greeted at the door by the Lord Mayor and all introduced ourselves, which ws quite scary when she said she had heard all about me!!!
We went into the lovely drawing room which was full of silver, a piano and some lovely art work, where we all mingled and had a photo session with the Evening Post and Claire. Both photographers in competition with their Nikon cameras.
After a welcoming speech from the Lord Mayor we entered the dining room for our feast of the evening, which was prepared and cooked by top chef Chris Keating. The atmosphere was very relaxed and the food was nice but i really didnt like the wine, would have rathered a vodka and coke.
Conversations were flowing about activities within the ARC and this lead to officially inviting the Lord Mayor and Cllr Joan Peters to our Summer event in July. So thats something else to look forward too. During the conversations I said we provide everything from IT to Tai Chi and it just so happened that the Tai Chi instructor and one of his pupils - Maggie - were with us! So it was off to the drawing room for a Tai Chi demo... it was so funny watching this in the Mansion House. I was asked if i played piano, as there was one in the room - but i declined this offer of giving my version of Chopsticks, and went on to talk about singing in Mynyddbach Choir many moons ago. Its funny how conversations go on and digress to kareoke, but the Lord Mayor and her Consort were very interested in and said to look out for Sue singing online.
Claire took millions of pictures and i cant wait to see them all - should be a really glamourous one of me and my feet - one in a silver shoe and the other foot in plaster!!
I asked the waitress how long should we stay after dinner, as we wouldnt want to out stay our welcome, and the reply was about an hour... but being from Blaenymaes what did we do...stayed until 11p.m. But the Lord Mayor said she really enjoyed our company, we were the first she entertained as she only became Lord Mayor last Friday, and she hopes that all her other visitors will be as nice as us.
I think she enjoyed the comments about her bling, and the offer to come to the pub with us and she cant wait to come as see us all again. I did mention we could pop down for a curry next week, but i dont think she is into curry food!!
The reason for our invitation was as a result of the ARC/BPP Development Trust winning the best overall education project and the Best Overall Project - check it out on the Trust website

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