Monday 19 November 2007

Environment & Sustainability ....Become Green

Myself, Tricia Morgan and Phil McDonnell had a meeting today to look at becoming a greener organisation and give hints and tips for individuals to become more aware of being environmentally friendly.
The outcome was that the Community Progression Project of Swansea University will put on a 5 week workshop session at the Drop In Centre, Blaenymaes in the New Year to work with volunteers, residents and staff to raise awareness on being green and to write a sustainability policy.
These are some of the things that they will be looking at:

  • Save energy at home: insulate your lofts and walls, switch off lights and appliances when not in use (dont leave on standby), fit low energy light bulbs.
  • Save water in the home: fix leaks and drippings taps quickly, fit hippo bag in your toilet cistern or install a low flush toilet, take a shower rather than a bath.
  • Be a greener gardener: Install a water butt and use rain water on your garden, compost kitchen and garden waste, grow your own vegetables and fruit.
  • Travel more sustainably: Walk or cycle for short distances, use public transport or share lifts, avoid travelling by air.
  • Be a green shopper: Choose low energy and recycled products, choose products from ethical and sustainably managed sources 9eg fairtrade and FSC wood), buy local goods and services to reduce food miles and transport.
  • Waste less: Choose products with less packaging and say no to plastic carrier bags, repair and re-use clothing, furniture etc 9donate unwanted goods to local charities), use local kerbside recycling schemes and recycling centres.
  • Improve your local environment: Never drop litter and be a responsible dog owner, report fly tipping, graffiti and vandalism, respect your neighbours, avoid excessive noise or garden fires.
  • Support renewable energy: change to a green tariff for your electricity supply, install a solar panel to heat water for your home, use rechargable batteries rather than disposables.
  • Support wildlife: avoid using pesticides and herbicides, create a wildlife area or pond in your garden and install a nest box or bat box, choose environmentally friendly washing detergents.
  • Get more involved: Join a local environmental or community group, volunteer to help manage a local nature reserve or park, find out more about sustainability and the enviroment eg join a training course or visit your local environment centre.
  • Recycle as much as you can (paper, card, toner cartridges etc)
  • Buy Fairtrade goods.

If you are interested in attending the sessions in january please contact Debbie Jones on 578632 or Tricia Morgan on 580905

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