Wednesday 2 May 2007

I escaped...:)

I didnt get round to writing my blog or reading everyones's yesterday as I was so busy!! I managed to escape the 4 walls of my home in Blaenymaes.
The lovely Jules came to collect me at 930 am to wave her Mum off to a pensioners trip to Benidorm - ahhh and she was crying!! (trade places Violet)
Then she dropped me off at the doctors surgery for me to get my sick note..... had a lovely chat with the doc, and he says if i want to go back to work ok, but if i feel it too much for me he will welcomly extend my paper... ha ha. So I return to you all next Tuesday, after the bank holiday weekend. (The peace has ended)
Jules then picked me up and I asked her to take me to the ARC so i could hand in my sick note, and said PLEASE leave me there. I am going so stir crazy in the house i just wanted to escape, feel the fresh air, and see people.
Danny made me a lovely cuppa coffee as usual, Mumba told me I have lost weight, me and Lisa caught up on the gossip over a fag n cuppa in the garden, said a quick hi to Maggie but there was no one else around.. except Ian the tutor and some students who i popped in to say hello to.
This was great, there is life beyone Tyr Felin. I then WALKED home. Its only 2 streets away but it took me half an hour to hobble with my crutches and gammy foot down the hill, but the hardest part was going up the hill in my street. My rear end was killing me!!
Following a refreshing cuppa I phoned for a cab to take me away from all this, and escaped to Mecca Bingo. It was nice to be out chatting to folk and having a bit of lunch while trying my best to win the National prize of 20K....did i win, no chance!!
I got a taxi back home and cooked and then sat in the sun for a few hours, and then me and my daughter walked to the shop, but again it took ages... ha ha.
There is a big green security gate being place in the lane next to my house, to stop yobs legging it through all the cul-de-sacs, but no one knew what kind of access would be allowed. The workmen said i may have a key, Gwalia knew nothing of what i was talking about, so sent some wardens to investigate - and they didnt know either - so will investigate and let me know.
(Famous saying - I'll get back to you on that!!!!!!) So half of this big green gate has been done and will keep you update with a pic later. Bet you any money people will now climb my fence to get into the lane - which is easy access to school, shops, contraband fags and beyond!
The sun awaits me ... chow for now.