Wednesday 9 May 2007

Managing challenging situations and motivate staff

What did the surgeon say? Light duties and take it easy - well my feet havent hit the ground since i went back to work. Warren from the University was my chauffeur today - to wisk me off to the wilds of Tairgwaith for a training session on managing challenging situations and motivating staff!!
Well first of all Warren was heading off in the wrong direction, so i was co-pilot - i make a pretty mean navigator, but had to close my eyes when swerving around a tractor!! (We wont go there!)
The course was very interesting - and some of our fellow partners of AVE and Glyn Neath were there, nice to see you all again.
There were exercises and discussions to contend with before and after the lovely pink wafer biscuits and real coffee, but it was interesting to see what we feel our management styles are - and i have come to the conclusion that i am a big softy!! One topic that took place was - all well and good motivating your staff, but what if the manager needs motivating ??? good question!! (send them on a training course!) :)

What motivates me i hear you say... well there is an interesting question, but i will answer it. I am movitated by the job satisfaction, the variety of work, by my work colleagues and friends, my committment to the job, by seeing the outcomes of achieving students and residents, the pride of the community, my work environment and finally money (the money is not important to me, the more you earn - the more you spend!). I can hand on my heart say with all honesty that this is the best job i have ever had, i never want to leave and if my funding runs out i will protest by chaining myself to the gates.

Well the day was over, followed by a lovely buffet lunch, and treked through the torrential rain back to Swansea - in what seemed quicker time than getting there...... well it would have been but we were nearly out of petrol... warning light .. oh no... so we found a petrol station and the day was saved. Then it was back to the ARC for a quick chat with the best boss ever (Mr Brito - how about a pay rise .. lol) and a lift home with Dr Nick! Cheers.

CHALLENGE: why not write what motivates you or demotivates YOU in your blog!